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The Direction of Connected Travel

As consumers of transport services, we are becoming more demanding and want to experience seamless travel. 我们的行业必须通过诸如“移动即服务”之类的解决方案来回应这些不断增长的客户期望。, 或马斯河. MaaS联盟将其定义为:“将各种形式的运输服务集成到单一的移动中...




As consumers of transport services, we are becoming more demanding and want to experience seamless travel. 我们的行业必须通过以下解决方案来回应这些不断增长的客户期望:移动性即服务’,或MaaS.

The MaaS Alliance defines this as:

“将各种形式的运输服务整合到一个按需提供的单一移动服务中. To meet a customer’s request, a MaaS operator facilitates a diverse menu of transport options, 是公共交通工具吗?, 骑,, 汽车或自行车共享, 出租车或汽车租赁, 或者两者的结合. 对于用户, MaaS可以通过使用单个应用程序提供对移动性的访问来提供附加价值, with a single payment channel instead of multiple ticketing and payment operations. 对于用户来说, MaaS should be the best value proposition, 通过帮助他们满足他们的出行需求,解决个人旅程中不方便的部分以及整个出行服务系统。”.

In some circles, MaaS has been referred to as the ‘移动领域的Netflix’. 然而, 它对交通行业的颠覆性甚至比Netflix对我们看电视和电影的方式的颠覆性还要大. MaaS has the capability to not only make travel more convenient for people, through easy access to travel options and integrated ticketing, but also to influence their travel behaviour. MaaS提供了一种机制和机会,通过这种机制和机会,人们可以被激励在特定的时间或以特定的方式旅行,并获得奖励, 例如, through vouchers for their favourite restaurant. 从本质上讲,MaaS有能力改变人们旅行和花费时间和金钱的方式. 消息人士预测,这个市场在中短期内有显著增长的潜力,未来的市场价值将达到数十亿美元. MaaS has the potential to be disruptive on a massive scale!

汽车即服务(MaaS)、联网汽车(Connected Vehicles)的概念与最终 自主车辆 (AVs). Key to this is the sharing of big data, from users’ travel behaviour and choices to the movement of vehicles on the 网络. 将这三个概念结合起来,我们可以认识到,未来的城市可能与我们现在的城市大不相同. Making travel more efficient, 而且可能更便宜, may encourage people to travel more, 虽然使用自动驾驶汽车可能会减少对停车设施的需求,但会大大增加选择出行的人数. 在自动驾驶汽车在我们的城市成为现实之前,仍有许多政策障碍(包括社会和法律)需要克服, however those same hurdles do not exist to the same extent with MaaS. You just have to look at the popularity of mobile phones, and particularly smartphones, 近年来. 公众对有一个(电话)网络供应商提供规定数量的短信的概念感到满意, minutes and data per month. MaaS可以用类似的方式来考虑,用户可以获得不同的套餐,包括每个月在某些旅行模式上允许的旅行时间, 在特定时间等. 由于公众已经理解并接受了这种模式,因此在未来几年内,几乎没有什么可以阻止MaaS的快速发展,并为联网汽车和适当时候的自动驾驶汽车的持续增长铺平道路.



IBI Group was a founding member of the MaaS苏格兰 网络, 我们目前正在进行一个项目,测试MaaS在苏格兰凯恩戈姆国家公园地区的应用. This is a large rural area, 传统的运输服务很差,而且是测试MaaS解决方案实用性的理想环境. 在北美,我们一直在就MaaS的潜在影响向我们的一些中转客户提供建议. 从AV方面来看, 我们有两个提交给纽约无人驾驶挑战赛的作品——保存和17CP——进入了10强, the former to the last four. 保存 has received some support to allow a concept to be developed further. 17CP 展示了IBI的最佳点——这些新解决方案改变城市的潜力, bringing together the expertise from the Intel sector (understanding AV, 技术, transport systems) with that of other sectors, 尤其是基础设施, with our transport planning, urban planning and landscape teams.


图片由 Pana Vasquez on Unsplash

David是IBI格拉斯哥办事处的高级顾问,拥有丰富的项目管理和咨询经验. In a 职业生涯 spanning over 20 years, David has worked in both 技术 and transport planning fields. Since joining IBI he has played a lead role on our work with Transport Scotland, 他现在是苏格兰交通系统合同框架的项目经理, one of IBI’s largest projects in the UK. 该合同涵盖了对战略道路网络和相关功能的管理至关重要的一些系统的开发和操作, as well as other consulting services.

In addition to the project manager role, David continues to lead on specific projects delivered under the Framework, including Scotland’s new National Traffic Data System. This is a significant development for Transport Scotland and has been a complex project which has required a range of skills: engagement and coordination with a wide range of stakeholders; technical ability in respect to system requirements and design; management of the client with the introduction of new processes and procedures; and overseeing the implementation and launch. David holds an Honours degree in Computer Science, a Masters in Transport 规划 and 工程, 并获得PRINCE2认证. He is also accredited in Software Testing.


写的 大卫·索尔顿海

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