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Building 社区 in Big Cities

历史学家和哲学家伊本·赫勒敦认为,缺乏社区将最终导致社会的衰败. While this prediction is a bit extreme, Khaldun might be on to something.




Human connection is one of our most fundamental desires as a species. It’s only natural for us to crave interaction with one another, stemming from a basic means of survival. 今天, city populations are higher than ever, leading to a false assumption that people must be more connected then too. 虽然科技让我们可以在网上联系,但在现实世界中,这并没有那么简单. From busy schedules to headphone culture, 城市生活中有很多方面让人们很难联系起来.

The Need for Connection: It’s in our History


Bust of Arab historiographer and philosopher, 伊本·赫勒敦. 图像中 里达Kerbouche 通过维基百科.

In 1332, 阿拉伯历史学家和哲学家伊本·赫勒敦用这个词描述了社区和社会之间的重要关系 集团的感觉. 群体情感被定义为群体中人们相互联系的愿望, participate in joint activities and communally seek the good of the group. Khaldun分析了两个截然不同的阿拉伯群体:贝都因人(沙漠游牧群体)和定居群体(城市居民)之间的群体感觉差异。. 不像贝都因人, 久坐不动的群体能够超越生存,因此在阿拉伯城市过着奢侈的生活.

赫勒敦观察到,这是因为游牧文化围绕着统一的群体目标,比如保护, 食物和住所, their 社区 had strong 集团的感觉. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, because the Bedouins were motivated by luxury rather than survival, 他们不同的需求, needs and priorities led to a weak and dispersed 集团的感觉. 赫勒敦认为,缺乏群体感觉——或缺乏社区——将最终导致久坐社会的衰落. 虽然这个预测有点极端,但关于赫勒敦的理论还是有一些值得说的. 缺乏核心体验确实会滋生孤独感,从而削弱社区内的文化联系.

在今天的城市里, the deprivation of 集团的感觉 has largely contributed to what, 近年来, has been termed a loneliness epidemic. 根据最近的一项研究 研究在美国,只有53%的美国人每天有有意义的面对面交流. 另一个 研究 indicates that three out of four Americans struggle with loneliness. These are worrisome numbers with huge implications, not only for mental health, 而是为了身体健康, 工作, productivity and social mobility. 研究表明,由于当今社会没有统一的目标, belonging is no longer as instinctual as it once was. 因此, it’s up to city makers to foster 社区 through their projects, 牢记城市和社区可能带来的各种挑战.

The Search for Connection Continues

社区可以分为两类:主导社区(那些是人们生活的重要组成部分,如学校)和辅助社区(那些提高人们生活的社区,如公园). 虽然主导社区在今天的城市中可能不像14世纪那样普遍th 世纪的贝都因人,有许多成功的主导社区的例子. 这些包括宗教、像唐人街这样的民族社区、学校、老年人生活社区等. 对许多人来说,这些社区的任何一个或组合都能提供足够的归属感. 为他人, 这些社区要么不适用,要么没有足够的意义来形成足够的群体感觉.

结果是, supplemental communities in which individuals connect by common interests, activities or day-to-day routines are becoming increasingly important. Through placemaking and 社区-oriented efforts, 市民和规划者试图在市民的日常生活中注入归属感. Some of these efforts include 社区 gardens, 小型免费图书馆, 公园, 农贸市场, 联合办公区, 感受空间, mixed-use buildings and transit-oriented developments. Both the programming and design of these spaces and events are important, 一些空间在培养强大的社区联系方面比其他空间更成功. Largely, this depends on the individuals who are interacting within them. 像农贸市场这样的地方让人与人之间的联系感觉更自然,而像共同生活空间这样的环境,由于它们的短暂性,可能会让人感觉不真诚. 补充的社区参与是可选的,通常更节省时间, 哪种社区提供了更大的灵活性,但需要比主流社区付出更多的努力. Despite these challenges, 补充社区场所和活动对于帮助个人减少与他们所处的更大社会的孤立感至关重要.


Decentralization ≠ Downfall

It is clear that the word 社区 对每个人来说都意味着不同的东西——这就是为什么我们的城市同时如此充满活力和孤立. Contrary to what Khaldun suggests, 仅仅因为我们的城市没有提供一种凝聚力的体验,并不意味着归属感不能广泛实现. We, both as citizens and as planners, 可以做得更大, 通过在我们的努力中优先考虑社区建设,更有意识地与孤独作斗争. Rather than viewing our lack of central experience as a downfall, 我们应该把它看作是在个人和更大的群体之间培养独特的群体情感的机会, encouraging everyone to have at least one meaningful connection a day.

Rachael Alberts is 研究ing Urban Studies & 规划 and Cognitive Science at the University of California San Diego. She is a Transportation 规划 Intern at IBI Group San Diego, and hopes to 工作 in the field of transportation planning upon graduation.

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